Beg, Borrow ... or Steal (1973 TV Movie)
Other than steal or starve, what other choices did these men have?
30 May 2020
"Beg, Borrow....or Steal" is a made for TV movie that is quite unusual. It's the story about three disabled men who want to work but who keep finding that employers let them go for a variety of excuses. In other words, they can do the job but having a blind, handless or guy in a wheelchair is just 'distasteful'! Such bigotry was pretty much legal back in 1973 and while things could definitely get better today, things have improved. But with these guys, they had to pay bills, eat and have a place to what options do they have other than resort to a life or crime? This story is about their resorting to a heist because of their plight and anger at being mistreated.

Some of these TV movies were originally TV pilots, though I don't think this is the case with this one, as Mike Connors, Kent McCord and Michael Cole were all doing other TV series when they made this film.

With most heist films, you like the characters but down deep you realize they are bad and deserve to be caught. This makes "Beg, Borrow...or Steal" interesting....these men aren't bad but are angry about injustice....which makes for an interesting twist.

So is this strange heist picture worth seeing? After all, an interesting twist is nothing if the film is poorly written, acted or directed. And, the ending was one I certainly did NOT expect. The only negative I can really think of is that they didn't use disabled folks to play these roles...a lost opportunity for some actors who otherwise might not find work.
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