The X-Files: Unusual Suspects (1997)
Season 5, Episode 3
An Origin Story Done Right!!!
29 May 2020
I have to assume the lower than expected imdb rating on this episode is simply because of the absence of Mulder & Scully as a duo. I don't see how anybody could objectively say this episode isn't perfect or close to perfect! I didn't miss Scully at all in this, as her character simply isn't relevant to the story.

It really blew me away honestly - and reminded me why I love the X-Files so much when it's done right. The episode had me totally engrossed from start to finish.

The introduction of each individual member of The Lone Gunmen is spot on! The personalities that we know and love are fully on display. The uptight nerd, the cheesy ladies man, the geeky D&D player. I personally find Byers so adorable, I could watch him all night being stammering and wide-eyed.

I can't believe a 40 minute episode was enough to not only adequately explain the origin of the LG but also their connection to Mulder, their mission statement & tell an enthralling story in its own right. The writer/s should be commended absolutely.

The cameo by X is a nice touch - he plays it exactly as we have come to expect but with a little humour as well. Who knew he was responsible for naming TLG!!

The comedic tone of the episode is balanced perfectly alongside the darker story beats of child abduction, conspiracy and a government targeting its own citizens with experimental gas.

As the episode ends with TLG sitting Mulder down for a heavy talk to open his eyes we can totally imagine how his crusade for the TRUTH began, how he would come to start the X-FILES and how his relationship with TLG would become what it is later on in the series.

Definitely not a throwaway episode, one of my absolute favourites of the whole series! Fantastic stuff!
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