Robbed of a great franchise and sequel - Routh was an exceptional lead. A solid film that deserved better.
28 May 2020
Superman was so important in my house - any adaptation was analysed, measured and given the criticism or praise it deserved. I recall our collective viewing and analysis of this film. It was a surprisingly rare, unanimous vote - it was an imperfect masterpiece. Flaws and all - it was a worthy and welcomed addition to the canon.

Brandon Routh was the Clark Kent and Superman any fan would appreciate on most, if not all levels. I honestly thought the franchise would erupt with worldwide success based on Routh's casting choice and performance alone. The box office success was impressive along with the official reviews.

I was very young at the time of its release and cannot describe the heartbreak - as an avid Superman fan and general film buff - when it became clear that a sequel was not going to happen. It was one of the first times my heart truly went out to an actor - stupid though some people may think that sounds- but Routh deserved so much better. His career might have been very different but he certainly persevered in the midst of the disappointment in an admirable manner rendering excellent performances in his other projects.

But - what I wouldn't give to see him command the franchise again. It would be worlds better than certain offerings made to us in recent years. We won't go there out of respect. The fact that Routh's return to the character for Arrowverse's Crisis on Infinite Earth's Superman vs Superman commanded such an overwhelming response by fans and ratings says it all. I hope he gets his own show.

Bosworth's Lois, Marsden's Richard, Langella's Perry White and Spacey's Luthor. What a winning ensemble. Parker Posey and Sam Huntington added great charisma and quirky heart. They made an ensemble and chemistry that would've been a joy to continue watching. What an absolute waste of winning ingredients investment-wise.

The film has some major nuanced turns and easily-overlooked details in its scenes. There's something about its energy that makes it easy to take its structure and detail for granted - which is a pro and a con in one. When I rewatched it after years I realised how much I missed.

The one major star-losing downfall is not giving Routh's Superman and Clark more talking time. I couldn't get over it. Limiting his dialogue with Lois and Luthor was an insane mistake. The history between the characters deserved better dialogue time than mere suggestive references. It put a lot of pressure on Routh to tell so much with so little. I read some user and critic remarks saying he looked too "perfect" or with an action-figure blandness. They clearly didn't pay attention but I also think a better script would've clarified things and made it easier for those merely watching the surface!

Other minor details in the effects and continuity were a little jarring but to be expected in this type of film... well up to a point! Still some of the most impressive action scenes from the canon.

This was an overlooked golden egg. A baffling mistake but I am glad we got this installment and to see Routh and Bosworth in these roles.

I would recommend this to anyone who appreciates the story's history and the characters. Watching Routh's return to the character in Crisis on Infinite Earth compelled me to write this review - a shocking 14 years later! Not that anyone actually cares! Lol. But out of respect for the effort made by the cast at the time - I wanted to share my thoughts on the matter.
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