The Bone Box (2020)
Whoever digs a pit will fall into it
27 May 2020
The film opens with this quote from Proverbs 26:27. Unfortunately, it is true of the film. By far one of the worst films I've seen - The acting is subpar, awkward and unengaging, with the exception of Maria Olsen's performance as Aunt Florence. However, Olsen's solid performance does little to help drag this film out of its pit.

The film is about a graverobber who sees visions of the people whose graves he robbed. His partner in crime serves as his plea to sanity, seeking to convince him that it's his guilt that's stirring the visions.

Everything that occurs in the film can be seen coming from a mile away. When the graverobber's partner drops the photographs of the people whose graves they robbed, and the graverobber is supposedly in shock, the viewer can't help rolling his eyes. I'd rather not use the term, but I can't refrain - Cliché - That just sums the film up. The main character sees a painting changing, how original. It's not just the unoriginality of it all, but the lead actor's performance is truly lackluster. He seems to be thinking about something else during the film - Aunt Florence calls him "distant," but that term doesn't do him justice, the acting is just atrocious. His female counterpart does alright, but this does not rectify the awkwardness of onscreen relations.

Furthermore, the film is all over the place. Constant flashbacks of his wife run through the lead's mind, which are similarly unengaging and downright boring, not to mention they do nothing to contribute to the script. It's clear the idea was for the lead character to have some sort of cathartic experience by realizing his guilt and owning up to it, but the horrendous acting, along with the cliché scares, unengaging script, and just about everything else make this film a shameful attempt at cinema.

At least there are films of such low status to fill the 1-star rating slot.
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