A really solid sequel!
21 May 2020
Belle and Sebastian: The Adventure Continues harnesses the charm of the first film and delivers a really enjoyable adventure in now post-war France.

There is almost a Famous Five quality to these Belle and Sebastian films that I really like. Combine this with the touching boy-dog friendship and it's quite the heartwarming tale that can be hard to find these days.

This time, Sebastian's aunt Angelina is returning home after two years away in the war - when her plane crashes. It's up to Belle and Sebastian to rescue her. The spectacular scenery and cinematography is breathtaking and perhaps my favourite aspect of these films.

All the actors are great, but special mention should go to Felix Bossuet as Sebastian. The chemistry with him and dog Belle is a joy to watch and he manages to capture so much emotion with facial expression alone.

The storyline became really far-fetched towards the end. It required the viewer to suspend all disbelief and logic. The big heart of the film and characters makes you look past many of these flaws though. A satisfying ending wrapped things up nicely.
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