Funny and quite enjoyable with some lovely performances.
17 May 2020
I just want to say that if I went from being the completely awkward, square faced Martha to the totally hot, super talented, bad ass Ruby, I would never ever want to leave Jumanji. Likewise for Spencer. That being said, Danny Devito made this movie good and watchable. Liked it, not much of a plot, but some funny moments and I wasn't really expecting much, so it was good enough for me. Really enjoyed Karen Gillan and Awkwafina's performance was just wonderful. The way she pulled off Spencer's weirdness and awkward body language as well as Grandpa Eddie was hilarious. Actually they were all believable in their respective body swaps. The only one strangely enough that I just couldn't see as believable was Martha being Ruby. It was just too hard for me to imagine that stylish, hot, super athletic lady with a great personality being the same person as the embarrassingly awkward Martha.
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