My Family: Death Takes a Policy (2000)
Season 1, Episode 6
What's a water bra?
17 May 2020
Nick meets a girl, and wants to impress her by selling his parents an insurance policy. Meanwhile Janey wants a water bra.

I like this episode, it's perhaps the weakest of the series, it's still good, it's just that the others are so much better. Best scenes include Susan and Janey's heart to heart, and Nick wandering into the bedroom of his parents.

I like that this is the beginning of Nick's endless run of dates. A good joke about the Millennium dome, that was a joke in itself.

Daisy Donovan is a joy as Ben's hopeless assistant Brigitte, her delivery is always spot on, her character would have been a great match up for Nick.

Good fun, 6/10.
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