Great job of making the most important points!
16 May 2020
I think the film did a great job of making several very important points: 1. Chemo is very hard on anyone. 2. Cannabis cannot hurt a person. 3. Cannabis helps lessen or eliminate side effects of Chemo. 4. Cannabis helps lessen the mental and physical pain of cancer. 5. Cannabis may increase the chances of a positive outcome for cancer patients. 6. The U.S. Government doesn't want the public to know the benefits of Cannabis. 7. There has been untold needless suffering because of the Government's refusal to use Cannabis. 8. The cost of medical grade Cannabis is outrages.

A few things the film does not tell you: 1. You can make your own Cannabis oil. The instructions are all over the net. 2. Homemade Cannabis oil will cost a fraction of medical grade oil. 3. Since Cannabis relaxes you, there is hardly an ailment or concern that will not be improve if you keep a low level of Cannabis in your system at all times. 4. I don't care how good a Dr. may be, a patient needs to take responsibility for his/her own care. The current state of medical care in the U.S. is such that no has the time to make absolutely sure patients are getting the best care possible. 5. If you know how to use Google, you have a ton of information available to learn what you need to know about any medical issue. If you care about yourself or your loved ones, you will become educated on the problems and the possible treatments, including natural product treatments.
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