What with the title?
14 May 2020
My short and sweet plot summary: Newlywed Eddie Grant (Arthur Lake) gets mixed up in murder and a missing body while on his honeymoon. Much (supposed) hilarity ensues.

The Ghost That Walks Alone is billed as a comedy/mystery. I have problems with both parts of that description. For the comedy part, if you're a fan of Arthur Lake's Dagwood Bumstead, you might enjoy his antics in The Ghost That Walks Alone. If, like me, you find his brand of comedy insufferable, you're most likely not going to enjoy the film. I'm sorry, but I just can't stomach the man. He's so annoying. As for the mystery elements, well, there really isn't much of a mystery. The film's idiotic would-be sleuths spend more time trying to hide the body than solving the crime. Instead, the murderer just sort of reveals himself in the finale and confesses to everything. No real detective work needed. That's probably a good thing because I'm not sure any character in the film displays the intelligence or common sense you'd find in an average second-grader. The whole thing is a disastrous mess.

One last thing - what's with the title? Not only is there no ghost in The Ghost That Walks Alone, there's not even mention of a ghost or anything remotely supernatural. Talk about a misleading title.

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