DC fan with mental illness issues
13 May 2020
Giving it a 1 star is way too generous. A minus 1 would be more apt for this travesty called a movie which should have definitely been nominated and won the raspberry award that year. There is not much by way of plot. As usual, there is an overload of unnecessary useless "comedy" at inappropriate times that made me roll my eyes everytime. And the villain.. where do i even begin!! Its almost 4 years and i still dont get why he was IN the movie in the first place. Anyone having an iota of common sense and self respect can give this movie a very well deserved hard pass. I pity the people giving this movie a 9 or 10. For the love of god there are better movies that deserve to earn more money than this garbage.

^^^^^^^ safricarr -- author of the sewage you see above. It's depressing this person can vote and procreate, helps explain the world as it is today.
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