Bargain Mansions (2017– )
What a waste
10 May 2020
Dressed in heels and tight jeans this woman guts historic homes and throws tile everywhere but manages to squeeze some brass in between to make the homes gaudy enough to make you think Tammy Lee Baker's makeup artist was the designer. It is possible to make an older home open concept or even partially open without destroying the architectural integrity of the property. Many other designers do it! I realize this is scripted, so I don't blame the host, but the director or production team needs to stop having her pretend to be assisting with the actual construction. If she does know what she's doing she is bad at doing it on camera. I was the lone female on many commercial and residential construction sites and I can tell you that OSHA would have a fit if they saw some of the clothes she's wearing while welding, running equipment or even swinging a hammer! It's just not believable. Overall, cheap looking design, unbelievable host, renovation show rather than the restoration it claims to be and just an overall waste. It's a shame because it would be nice to see someone actually restore neglected properties!
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