The Blacklist: Bastien Moreau (No. 20) (2019)
Season 6, Episode 11
9 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was fabulous. Action from the very start. Elizabeth is on the pro-Reddington side of the fence again, it appears. For the next hour, anyway. I'm sure she will torch it all again next week. The task force shows yet again their undying loyalty for someone who doesn't deserve it, but to be fair I choose to believe more that they are choosing to risk their freedom for Reddington, as he has done the same for each of them.

  • When did the death penalty immediately take effect? I thought it took years before someone is actually put to the death but apparently on television it takes 30 minutes.
  • I am digging the 'Leverage' type theme the show has adapted lately when pulling off a heist. Super entertaining!
  • Wow, Samar is even more impressive with the multiple language skill.
  • Aram is not a bumbling ignorant man-child. Please stop trying to turn his character into one. The toilet seat had a lid. You mean to tell me he had no time to lower the lid to sit, but all that time to stare at the keys sitting at the bottom of the toilet before picking them up and then shaking them under an air dryer instead of wiping them on his shirt or vest? No. He's brilliant and nerdy and a bit naive, but not completely stupid.
  • Another reason I love Cooper. He's loyal to the very end. The little exchange between Cooper and Red warmed my cold dead heart.
  • Oh. My. God. Elizabeth is sitting in a room alone pouting because she still doesn't know who Reddington really is. That's what she's worried about? That's why she wants to be a witness? She won't get to find out his secret if he's dead? I hope when Red does escape or get clemency he at least treats Elizabeth like she deserves. The writers honestly have to hate the Keen character. I mean, did she kill your dog or something? This is becoming comical.
  • I really try not to blame the actor for a character's shortcomings, but I'm beginning to really dislike Boone's one facial expression. I still don't think she's the reason Keen is a despicable character, but she doesn't seem to help matters any.
  • I know Reddington is going nowhere. They're not going to kill off the reason the show is still on the air, but I still teared up while he was eating his final meal.
  • Never have the words "I love you" meant less than they do coming out of her mouth. I'd be afraid to see how you treat people you hate.
  • Cooper. Loyal. Great man! This is how you treat friends, Elizabeth.
  • Wow, they're cutting it close. Also, I am okay with never seeing another bug death again.
  • Ugh. YOU SEE WHAT YOU REDUCED REDDINGTON TO? He has always been larger than life, a huge force of charismatic nature but he has finally been reduced to...human. James Spader is amazing.
  • Are you kidding me? Why would you hold her hand? She's the only reason Reddington is in the position he is right now! She is still lying to his face! This is dumb. I'm over it.
  • WHAT THE -- this is where you end it????? Oh, wait. I'm binge watching. I'm okay. I can immediately watch the next episode.

The last five minutes of this episode were pretty intense. A crooked president and the only person who can take him down is about to be killed? I didn't see that coming. Elizabeth's lack of empathy or remorse is what's killing this series. With her single facial expression, I can honestly not tell whether or not she regrets the chain of events she set off. That last scene with her smug face renewed my irritation for her as a human being. Can't wait to keep watching to see her hopefully get what she's owed.
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