The Blacklist: The Cryptobanker (No. 160) (2019)
Season 6, Episode 10
I'm Done.
9 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I started writing these reviews is because of my increasing dislike for Elizabeth. I wanted a place to vent my frustrations, as all my friends have long abandoned this show. This episode sealed it.

  • Vontae and Vega need to escape with Red. I like them both. I find that the "criminals" are far more likable than the "good guys."

  • Elizabeth's eyebrows look like they're not on speaking terms.

  • The Bad Guy of the Week was pretty weak. It was a distraction against the real story we care about, the fate of Reddington.

  • I love Aram. He's adorable, but can we please make him a little less awkward and nerdy? He supposedly went through some sort of physical training at his request, but he still handles a weapon like a nun.

  • Why is Samar getting virtually no screen time in every episode? Are the writers phasing her out?

  • Sima giving up the info that Red was working with the Feds was despicable. There has to be something behind his desperate effort to give Red the death penalty. He has to be blackmailed by someone. The way this show is going, I wouldn't be surprised if I hear that Katarina is responsible.

  • I already hate Liz for what she did to Red, so let's go ahead and make her responsible for Red getting caught in that escape he was seconds away from. Fantastic. Oh, and then she whines to Red that he didn't tell her his plan, basically again not taking responsibility and putting the blame on Red. I don't understand why she thinks she's entitled to know everything about everyone at any time. She can keep secrets but no one else can. If she doesn't get what's coming to her for her betrayal, I'm not sure I can continue to watch.

I have tried to watch objectively and see things from Elizabeth's point of view, but I can't anymore. She's become a despicable character, and I truly don't know how she can come back from that. Writers, you have so much potential. This is such a great show. Stop making it so difficult to even want to watch.
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