Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
My rating just went from 2 to 9!
8 May 2020
I'm going to leave my review of Season 1 below by way of contrast. I didn't even bother watching any of Season 2, the reviews were enough.

Am I nostalgic for Star Trek TNG and is this colouring my view of this Picard series? Yes, but why? Because, among other things, TNG represented a positive view of the the future of humanity. The characters had depth and you got attached to them. In my view, Season 3 of Picard rescued the miserable mess that was the previous seasons. This is the way things should have ended for Picard and company. Season 3 isn't perfect, some things are a bit of stretch, however overall, it was masterfully done. Original story, great special effects, really decent script, not entirely predictable.

I started watching TNG as a teenager when it first aired in the UK in 1990. It caught my imagination then, and the old magic returns with Season 3 of Picard. It's not often I get emotional about film and TV, but wow, episdoes 9 and 10 really did it for me. Patrick Stewart, you have redeemed yourself!

My 2 star rated review of Picard Season one from earlier below (the former title was "Hoping Q will appear in Season 2")

Though I'll have to wait for someone to tell me if he does, because I won't watch season 2 otherwise. He could save the Star Trek universe by announcing that this dark, dysfunctional future was only a possibility and lets us all return to the TNG standard we loved so much.

What is good about this series? Stunning cinematography, a decent story in itself (a welcome variation on a bad guy with a super weapon trying to destroy the earth and Starfleet stopping him but at great cost). The scenes with Data, Riker and Troi were all satisfying.

What's not to like? Plenty, unfortunately. Messed-up, dark characters who don't seem capable of bonding with each other. Torturously long story, with numerous really boring episodes as a result. A Romulan intelligence agent who looks and sounds like a final-year London architect student, and his sister, played by Peyton List, who did a decent job in the CW series Frequency, but who is awful in this. F-bombs (must we?). A Romulan Ninja who can't decide if he's Steven Seagal or Forrest Gump. A neurotic scientist who alternates between being all teary and vulnerable to murderous and deceitful.

I loved Star Trek Next Generation and engaged with all the main characters, especially Picard. I was surprised to find myself not caring when he died in this series and actually being disappointed at his resurrection.

It would have been great to have Picard in proper command of a Starfleet vessel again, with a crew we care about and who bond with each other.

Star Trek TOS, TNG, Voyager made us feel optimistic about the future. A homicide detective once wrote to Patrick Stewart to say that after a hard day dealing with the worst aspects of human nature, he would come home and reach for his TNG box set to make him feel more positive about humanity and the future. The poor guy might be a statistic himself now if he gave this a go..
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