Solid movie, but one dimensional
7 May 2020
I put off watching this movie until the Coronavirus lock-down gave me an incentive to watch it. My initial lack of interest was due to the subject matter. It really did not seem that it would make a very interesting movie. I was right. It is not a bad movie as such. I watched it to the end and enjoyed it enough to rate it as a 6, but was left with two questions: 1. Why make the movie at all? and 2. Why make the way it was made? The movie shows how the media and the government (through an agency - the FBI) combined to try and blame a terrorist incident on an innocent person. That would seem like the basis for a reasonably compelling story. However, the person they are trying to blame comes across in the movie as simply stupid. Now that may have been the case. Maybe Richard Jewell was as naive as the movie shows and the government and the press getting together to frame such a person is clearly bad but there is not enough story in the situation for a two hour movie.
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