Review of Matinée

Matinée (1977)
7 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Jorge is a young troublemaker that goes with his father to Mexico City, along side his best friend Aaron, without his mother's permission. During the trip, however, their truck is assaulted by a gang of thieves that keep them hostage, which eventually leads to Jorge's father getting killed, leaving the two boys in the care of the thieves.

The two main kids in this film are really great, as while they're not the best actors in the world, they is such good chemistry between the two and are essentially the heart of the film. The directing is also really well done, as the camera has a very nice flow and natural but coordinated movements. The sound design of this film is obviously very dated and crappy, but I guess that's just part for the charm of this old school Mexican films. I guess my main issue with the film would be the story. Like I said, it is a very interesting story, however, I felt like it was a bit rushed and could have moved a bit more patiently. More time with this characters would have given the gut punch at the end of the film that it clearly wanted. While Jorge and Aquiles do spend a lot of time together, if there was a closer connection with these two it would have made Aquiles's death way more impactful. Also, according to Wikipedia (yeah I know, Wikipedia), Francisco and Aquiles are supposed to be a gay couple, which is something I never really got out of their relationship. I guess I'll keep that in mind in a second watch.

Overall, this a really interesting watch and I might have more perspective on the film if I ever see it again. As for now though, I would definitely recommend it.
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