Almost There (I) (2014)
2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Having sat through the first half hour, you get emotional, but not for the obvious reasons. I cared deeply for the film makers. Not the subject. There is a conclusion that I had that I don't think totally addressed the issues surrounding this film, particularly the victims (and EVERYONE is). And the main victim is the perpetrator. His back story is masked, but don't let your inner judgement cloud the justification of what you actually notice. Be aware. Not because Peter Anton should be judged permanently beyond the repercussions he got for his crime, but because he still lurks there, as a predator. He is incapable of addressing his own crisis and outcomes. He blames others, and harbours resentment for his mother. yes, his mother is his cross to bare. Yep - another disgruntled child with mother issues. It is a human trait after such an enormous influence goes wry. I give huge credit for the filmmaker to address his own projection. After all, he identifies in part with his subject, and it is only the surface that he is willing to show. I hope he got some closure for his sake. But this documentary ultimately shows us projections, reflections, distractions and avoidances. This is the story above all that comes from the central focus, and the rippling effect it has on all he comes into contact with - EVERY PERSON. Ultimately, I cared very little for Peter and his rot. Again, notice! We are easily drawn into the framing of this film, and it is the framing that makes you frustrated moreso. You have no peripheral view, but at least there was an attempt at it. And it really does have an impact. Reminds me of the old joke: there is no such word as gullible in the dictionary... Everyone is so convinced, and at least someone in the whole of the film tells us what we notice regarding "outsiders". He was the most poignant, and yet only 5 seconds worth. Watch it, but it leaves a heavy burden on your senses.
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