The Turning (2020)
1 May 2020
This movie was.... boring and long. You watch it, and continue watching it, in hopes that something interesting happens. But besides a few moments, and I mean a feew, nothing really happens. The cast was amazing, but something definitely went wrong with the production and writing of this movie. Someone on here said it felt like they were watching an hour and a half long trailer, and honestly, that's exactly how it felt. To make things even worse, the ending plot didn't make any sense whatsoever. It felt disconnected from the movie, almost like someone else wrote it after just reading some catchwords, OR the ending was rushed and not well thought out. I can appreciate a movie that tastefully leaves room for own interpretations, but this one was just bad. Such a shame, because with the right writers & production team, this could've been an incredible movie. The story was definitely there.
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