A poignant emotional thriller, with unbelievable acting and screenplay!
1 May 2020
This is not a review but a heartfelt expression of love for this movie. It is raw, gritty and supported by excellent acting, stunt sequences and screenplay.

Myshkin has made many movies, 7 years down the line from this one. Each one is a marvelous piece of creativity and effort but this particular work of art is from a different dimension. The movie is fluid as there are no dance sequences, flashbacks or any such distractions.

The main events of the story happen in one night. One emotional, edge of the seat kind of night that you would be grateful for having witnessed.

One particular scene stands out. The story of Wolf and the lambs that Myshkkin narrates ties a thread around the events of the night. The way he unifies the audience with what really happened and why they are running with just a simple story, is the work of a genius.

You will either like or love this one, there is no such thing as disappointed, may be disappointed that it did not last longer. Wish for many more such movies by my beloved Myshkin!

PS - I am giving this a 9/10 as I am confident this director will blow my mind in a more devastating manner, in the future.

From my heart, to yours - SK
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