Review of Local 58

Local 58 (2015–2022)
Excellent Youtube horror series!
1 May 2020
This is the perfect kind of horror for me. What else can I say? These videos are perfectly unsettling, and they are very VERY well made to boot! While there have been plenty of these horrendous "SCARY 3AM CHALLENGES" and "REAL GHOST SIGHTING AT 3AM" videos plaguing Youtube over the past few years, Local 58 stands above them all. In every way, shape, and form.

Local 58 is the epitome of "Quality over Quantity" as there are only 8 videos on this Youtube channel (as of this writing this review). They are all significantly better than the "content farms" that churn out content several times a day. There's some well done 2D animation in one of the videos, old VHS aesthetic in all that perfectly captures the eerie feel of the 1960s/70s, and plenty of small details being analyzed by people as we speak, making the mystery behind this experimental Youtube channel all the more exciting and relevant!

What more can I say? Go check out Local 58 already if you haven't! Well done Kris Straub for making the best horror content I've seen on the site!!! :)

Among the very notorious videos include:

-Real Sleep -Show for Children -Contingency -You are on the fastest available route! -Skywatching -Weather Service

All of which are perfectly eerie and frightening. Here's to hoping for more content in the coming months and years! Please check out Local 58!
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