Best TV show ever and my depression therapy
29 April 2020
Okay. If you've not watched this show. Let me tell you why you should.


I'm in severe depression, and when I watched this show (2/3rd time), it made me laugh harder than previous time and I'm more in love with it than before and after some time, I'll definitely watch again.

Why is it so special 1. Family Definitely not like others, it portrays a beautiful relationship between two sisters you'll instantly love and will have a hard time to choose between them. They're both opposite but they love each other to death (and they mean it)

They're relationship with each other and their small family is the best since they live with their Grandma, aunty and uncle and their son (whom they address as their third sister) and obviously BB.

2)Next, the lead actors. Virat and Viren.

Although, the eldest sister has an arranged marriage with the eldest Vadhera who's super rich, you'll not find a boring sass sasural drama. (no way)

3)Jeevika Viren Relationship is beautiful but the cherry on the top is Manvi and Viraat Partnership (best friendship), they're best friends later and have a envious bond.

Together these four with all their goodness make you wanna watch more and laugh and cry with show.

4)Pro tip: I've watch the show only till the marriage of the second sister because after that it's pretty boring and dragged so after that I watch the last episode (don't miss that one)

Anyway, enjoy this beautiful show.

Nia, Krystal, make you want to have a sister so bad.

Krystal, Karan make you want to get married now

And, Nia and Kushal make you wanna laugh with your best friend.

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