Heroes: Chapter Seven 'Nothing to Hide' (2006)
Season 1, Episode 7
Not connecting
29 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have tried for six episodes to get into this series. It has a great cast. Good premise. And a lot of positive chatter. But I just can't connect to the story or the characters. Part of my problem with this is that the timeline jumps around way too much without explanation. It takes too long to figure out at what point something is happening: present, past or future. Like the artist being killed early in the story. But then he keeps showing up in the series. Just takes me out of the flow of the concept too much. I have to go back and re-watch parts of the previous episode, and I'm just not going to invest that much time. And the 'bad' characters are pretty easy to spot right off. Like Eden. Why would Mihander trust her, based solely on what she's saying about her relationship with his father. As mistrustful as he is, I just don't believe he would volunteer everything to a complete stranger. Claire's father is creepy from his first scene, although they pretty much tell you he is a bad guy.

Also, most of these characters are selfish, greedy, and/or angry people who do nothing to earn the title of hero. Not sure how they are tied in with the series title, other than Hiro, from Japan. Hopefully, as the show goes on, better parts of these people will surface. But for now, there are too many questions for me and too much 'clutter' in the story line.

Frankly, I don't 'get' Niki's 'power' at all. How can that be an asset or a plus?

I'm giving this high of a rating simply because of the cast. Love Milo in everything. All of the cast do a great job with their material, but the show just isn't resonating with me.
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