Didn't make much sense
28 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Quick backstory: A couple, Sarah and Joseph, go on a trip with their friends Estelle and Victor (also a couple). It's obvious both couples are going through a rough patch. Then a stranger knocks on the door and things turn bad when they try to get her to leave and she dies. Although it was an accident, everyone becomes cautious of Victor because he tussled with the woman causing her death. He senses this and tries to distance himself away from everyone, soon dying from a stab wound inflicted by Estelle (on accident). Two police officers came and question Sarah, Joseph, and Estelle. One police officer is then killed by robbers, and the other appears to be working with said robbers. Joseph is stabbed and Estelle is killed. The robbers are looking for a photo of themselves and the police officer committing a crime. Sarah tells them she can take them to the photo, and eventually kills the police officer and a robber. As she is leaving the last robber jumps out and is about to kill her when Joseph shoots him. Then Joseph died.

What did not make sense: Sarah and Joseph were expecting a baby, but VERY little detail was given on how the baby was lost. It was clear that it had put a strain on their relationship. Then, it is revealed that Joseph and Estelle had an affair, which serves no purpose to the movie at all. The officer is also partnering with robbers to get a photo that somehow caught them up close and personal committing a crime. Honestly even Fairuza Balk couldn't save this movie, her role is that of the stranger who need to make a call. The acting also was not very good, but it wasn't terribly bad. People will want to give this movie a terrible score, but it could have been a lot worse.
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