Trancers II (1991)
Bad on EVERY level!!
27 April 2020
Having disliked 'Trancers' as much as I did, I'm not sure what prompted me to watch 'Trancers 2'. I shouldn't have...

The narration in the beginning of this film explained 'Trancers' much better than that entire film did. But now, this film is equally bad, if not worse. This ultimate B-movie is badly directed, badly photographed, with bad lighting, and an excruciatingly bad script. Here's just some examples. Beefy Jack Deth overpowers a scrawny guard, yet the outfit fits him like a glove. When Lena is kidnapped, Jack later enquires about her and a guy says "Oh yeah, she left with two guys." What??? He didn't notice they harshly grabbed her and shoved her into a van, for goodness sake???!!! And he was being very calm about it... Oh, wait, so the zombies are regular guys the one second and then zombies the next? Do they change at will?? Jack's (now deceased) wife from the past is brought back, and now he expects his new wife to be okay with him having his way with her again, and justifies it by saying "She doesn't have much time left". Ah, so it's all fine then...

There's just so much wrong with this film in its entirety. It is so badly acted, it's cringe worthy. Good actors (not that there's many in this film) in the hands of a bad director is not a good combination! The characters doesn't act normal, and the actors doesn't act realistic. Jeffrey Combs is a fantastic actor, but here he is so wood-faced it hurts! This is just a very, very bad film. It honestly is still beyond me how they managed to make 6 films in this franchise...
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