Decent Thriller With Some Action!!
26 April 2020
Director Ernie Barbarash delivers a decent action thriller, that is heavily marred by a ghastly (and off-putting) sepia-toned filter, and a bit too much drama that doesn't really pick up until about 30 minutes in, slowly getting better!

With rumours of Steven Seagal and Vinnie Jones in-line to play Adkins role, I can only guess how terrible this film would have ended up if Scott hadn't been involved. He is the highlight of the show! Scott's agility and moves shadowing anything his peer has to offer (or ever offered), and holds his own in the acting department against an action-film-giant such as JCVD. They do get to trade moves briefly, and while its nothing special, still makes for a fun scene. Of course Van Damme has his moments, delivering a solid performance without him having to lash out, proving that (much like Jackie Chan) he isn't just capable of punching and kicking, and can act when called for.

Of course, a year later both star would go on to work with each other in The Expendables 2, and the violent Universal Soldier: Day Of Reckoning, which are probably better offerings to be honest. Assassination Games is not dreadful, but often slow and cliched with a bland setting in Bucharest, Romania...

As executive producer, Van Damme could pull some strings bringing his son and daughter in for small roles (here credited as Van Varenberg). While Bianca plays Scott's dying wife, his son Kris plays a corrupt cop. Having seen them both in a number of his movies now, I find that the handsome Kris reminds me a bit of a young Michael Wong (First Option, Royal Warriors), in both voice and acting abilities. Thankfully, aside from the two main stars, Assassination Games benefits with having popular Thespian Ivan Kaye in the main bad-guy role. The star of Vikings, The King, and a host of classic British TV shows, Kaye is pretty menacing as our heroes main problem and keeps things from getting cheesy or poor in the acting department.

Barbarash isn't the greatest director, but he also isn't the worst. I find his movies are often just middle-of-the-road, with a hint of excitement sprinkled among too much drama - as if he wants to be taken seriously as a 'real' film-maker. Of course, Ernie would go on to work with Van Damme in the fun 6 Bullets and Pound Of Flesh , before joining forces with Scott later on in Abduction, all of which are worth a watch!

Overall: More of a dramatic thriller, Assassination Games isn't awful but due to its lack of action, may let down fans of Adkins and Van Damme...
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