Review of One of Us

One of Us (IV) (2017)
First watch "Unorthodox"
23 April 2020
You must first watch "Unorthodox" if you don't have ANY idea about the ultra orthodox Jewish community. What I always say is that the holocaust was the worst thing that EVER happened to this planet. I'm obsessed with that . I watch all the films , read a lot of book of survivors and also visited Auschwitz. Everytime my heart is broken. The most heartbreaking event made by people . I'm a Greek Orthodox Christian but i love all people no matter of their religion. We are all people. If im giving my view on the ultra orthodox Jewish community is that it's too much. It seems they can't leave behind what happened. I not saying to forgot , no one will EVER forgot what happened, but to live the future with no fear and no hiding. I'm really sorry .. this is what I see. People afraid to live like they used too because they fear the more they involve in the modern world then more chances are that something horrific will happen again . But then I remember the holocaust.. Can anyone blame them ?
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