Murder in Eden (1991– )
Beware the Bogmailer.
23 April 2020
The Landlord of a pub in a small Irish Village murders his barman, and then gets blackmailed by an unknown person, known as The Bogmailer.

It's a decent watch, the murder itself is almost secondary, it's the Bogmailer that's the main interest, as is the clash between The Englishman and the antagonistic Priest.

It's a very unusual series. I read the book many years ago, and have a vague recollection of it, it's definitely zany, this adaptation is perhaps a little more sober, but they get the essence of the story, even if they did rename it.

There are some lovely shots of the area, particularly in the first episode, so the name Eden is well deserved.

Nicely acted, they all do a great job, Peter Firth is great as always. Armstrong is very charismatic, although his accent varies a little.

The book is better, but it's a good watch, 6/10.
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