Benchmark of the sword and sandal genre, good view of this movie
22 April 2020
In this adventure the plot moves along, it make sense, good color cinematography and music. I originally thought this was black and white because I saw the trailer on a dvd ago and it was in b&W, oddly so am surprised to find this in color. I would have liked to have monsters in here but for what it is is good. I like the monsters in Fire Monsters Against the Son of Hercules but this shows enough Kingdom intrigue without making it boring, but interesting. Now I do sense this is one of the very required for sword and sandal fans. The Devil of the title is just a guy with a Devilish face who invades kingdom making himself king but there's some hint of magic use about a room of 'magic glass' and he knows the 'secret of reflection' where he lures people into a hall of mirrors and the person gets lost and confused which is the real reflection until he annihilates them personally, this is a trope that's been used in other movies but interesting this movie does this first.Some parts is where did they get the rebel army to retake the kingdom, out of nowhere. Also when the hero sneaks with horse up to the kingdom gates, the horse is a decoy while he appears near the gates while guards inspect the wandering horse, how does Anthar get to the gates, I assume ehe is hiding behind the riding horse as shown he manuesavers behind, but must get off and goes up to the gates, probably this. The beginning for the first couple of minutes no one talks just action which is amusing.
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