90° South
18 April 2020
Herbert Ponting accompanied Captain Scott's doomed expedition to the South Pole. Although he remained behind in the base camp as the rest of them went for the final push.

His photographs and film footage was used in the documentary film called The Great White Silence in 1924.

90° South is essentially the same film with sound narration.

It does provide a fascinating glimpse of the expedition and is also an early example of documentary films.

This is not only a chronicle of the expedition but an insight of the wildlife they saw such as penguins.

However there is a suspicion that this documentary paints Scott as more heroic than he actually was. The expedition was marred with poor leadership and bad organisation. Hence why Adumsen got their first, ate his dogs on the way back and came back alive.

When you listen to the day they spent getting rock samples, it also meant they lost that time getting to their food depot which was apparently a day away.

The rock samples did end up being their scientific legacy of the expedition.
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