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16 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I could go through a long list of what I truly think about the lack of integrity and emotional stability of both the son here who tried to desperately make people believe that his biological father was the Zodiac killer and the co-author who claims to be a thorough investigative writer. But upon reading all the other reviews here I see that most other reviewers have already said most of what I would say concerning the both of them and there validity. I will add that I feel that the way the son and the author released this made-up scenario without getting the approval of his biological mother and by casting doubt on her former husband (the fist black chief of police ever in San Francisco and even suggesting that he may have purposefully covered up the true identity of the Zodiac killer was unforgivable! I will reiterate that the son here who seems so badly to want to make his biological father be a horrid serial killer needs serious psychological treatment and may be trying to connect his own dark, inner feelings with that of a deranged serial killer! I'll also will add that I will never be duped into buying any so-called "Fact based book" by the female coauthor here!
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