Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Stop giving credit to cast and crew
15 April 2020
I see too many reviews saying the actors did their best and blah blah blah. I say no. They have common sense. They can see the mutilation of their own characters in the scripts. As far as in concerned they too had the moral responsiblity to make sure the story was good. Anyone with an IQ over 38 could see the dumpster fire that would ensue, refuse to be portrayed until they fix the broken mess. Seriously. They cant recast by this point, and if they did it would surely fail already from that alone. Therefore if the actors weren't such lazy turds and didn't accept the demise of their characters, we may have actually got a good season 8, even if it took an extra year. I still want D&D tarred and feathered in a public square for this. Anyone of them had the ability to stand up and say "No, this is garbage, no one will want to see this and theyll hate us forever. I'm not staring in this till its fixed."
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