Resident Evil 3 (2020 Video Game)
A little bit of a step down.
10 April 2020
I really enjoyed the RE2 remake last year even as someone who has never been crazy about Resident Evil.

Just like that one, this game has outstanding atmosphere and graphics that sell it as an immersive horror action game. However, RE3 doesn't really bring anything new to the table besides a convienet dodge button. It's gameplay loop is very simple: explore and gather resources while choosing your battles wisley so you can advance to the next areas. If all that generally sounds like fun, it probably will be for you.

The big issue with this game is the length. Even with some dying and struggling, I beat the game just under 4 hours. This game doesn't have the replayability of RE2 with it's multiple character story modes. Yes it comes with a multiplayer mode, but Resistance is not something I see most people sticking with for very long.

As for the games story, fans will love it, but it's pretty basic in reality and rather predictable at times. There are also a couple of moments that I think don't work or make sense, especially one at the end.

It's a pretty good game overall, but for the next one, I expect more creativity and risk taking from the devs.
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