Westworld: The Mother of Exiles (2020)
Season 3, Episode 4
It was "good" i guess
7 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked the last scene with william. That couldn't be handled better. And the twist was pretty well handled,mostly. But a lot of the things in this episode just don't make sense to me. Why does dolores recreate this japanese guy? She's never been to shogun world and she has never met him before. I don't know if she is even aware that shogun world exists.

Also why does nobody check for firearms in a bank? shoudn't banks be incredibly secure? Especially with all of this tecnology and hacking and all that. There is this scene with dolores where she reaches for her pistol and its very tense and all... but you are telling me that NO ONE saw that?! not even cameras or anything?! ALSO in the club she takes out a gun and tries to shoot someone. She even throws stubbs over the second floor! and nobody seems to even notice! IS THERE ANY SORT OF SECURITY AT ALL IN THIS CITY?! Guards should have gone and apprehend them but nobody seems to do anything!

By the way that fight with stubbs felt kinda stiff and slow to me. Like I know these are actors. They are not actually trying to hurt each other but it still felt so fake to me.

I think the last scene with william and the twist are what saved this episode from being truly bad. That last scene is probably one of my favorite scenes in the show. The writing and the acting from evan and harris was phenomenal. I just wish the whole episode had the same level of quality.

I say the episode is "good" but to me saying that a westworld episode was just good is saying that it was meh. Episode 8 and 9 from season 2 and most of the episodes from season 1 are some of the best bits of television that i've ever seen.So I have high standards for this show. Don't get me wrong, I love westworld. Its one of my favorite shows ever made. But this season so far has been kind of a mixed bag for me. I hope that Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy make more episodes like The absence of field and The Bicameral mind and less like these.

It's ok if you like the episode, I just wanted to explain why I coudn't enjoy this one as much as the ones from the first season and some of the second.
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