More kicks and less explaining please
5 April 2020
"The Knife of Devil's Roaring and Soul Missing" is the original title. Better the title really was "Return of the Leg Fighter". That would give the movie a story about some guy called "Leg Fighter" who returns and fights using great kicks. Instead, this movie is about people looking for a magic sword. This simple quest adds things that needlessly complicate and slows down the pace to explain things that need no explanation.

My copy was English dubbed with Korean subtitles. I found many of the voices annoying, stammering, overly accented or just weird. Weird characters also pop up to briefly play weird parts then go away. The video was wide screen but not true wide screen in that the sides were cropped a bit. The resolution was as good as any standard DVD (not Blu-ray.)

The fights have a variety of weapons, hand to hand action, and plenty of high kicks from Dorian Tan. I would rate the fights as better than average for 1976. I can't rate the movie that high because of the pacing and dubbing.
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