A desperate effort to retrieve pride
31 March 2020
To be honest I have mixed feelings about the series. On one hand I'm moved by the emotional journey #AustralianCricketTeam has been through after the Cape Town incident but on the other hand I'm disappointed by the fact that how much the series is biased towards #AustralianCricketTeam, such as they've shown the bad side of #ViratKohli and how he went against #TimPaine in Perth, 2nd Test, 2018-19 but they didn't show the good of him when he insisted the crowd to cheer for #SteveSmith instead of booing him in the 2019 World Cup match. Also here is a team which *never respected their opponent nor did know the difference between abuse and banter, now all of a sudden expecting respect from their opponents and also talking about the difference between abuse and banter through out the whole series when they have done wrong!!!

*( before Cape Town incident )
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