Brillant Spike Lee's latest masterpiece
29 March 2020
I love Spike Lee sarcasm. His realistic point of view truly amazes me every time I watch a work of his. He always vouches for black community however, including the villains, degenerates and the oppressors in the public take place in his picture without harsh denunciations. On the contrary, all his characters appear in his movies with the idea of "we are all human after all." Thus, this naturalism is always giving the audience the message of "It's useless and the most ridiculous thing to fight each other in a racist perspective, or a in religious diversity especially in the U.S.A where the multiculturalism has been living since in its origins". BlacKkKlansman as in its double party plot which the audience sees the inner circle of the kkk and the Black Civil Right group, defends the idea I mentioned above. I think Spike Lee's anti-acute diversion picturization with his usual sarcasm he uses in both communities in his movies, demonstrates the sick parts of discrimination in a nation in a better way (Like in BlacKkklansman) rather than the hatred, violence and brutality are pictured. In technical angle, the cinematography, mise en scene and the shooting smells like an auteur work as Lee has it with his many years experience in Hollywood and movie is perfect in total. The story is very intriguing as it has savour of political matters, crime, action, drama and in some points humor. I recommend it, at least you won't get bored and have a good two. hours
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