Homeland: Threnody(s) (2020)
Season 8, Episode 8
"Threnody(s)" Was Rushed and Very Disappointing
29 March 2020
When a series as iconic as "Homeland" is winding down, the feeling is like what a high school senior feels about his/her last assignments. Grades might still matter to over-achievers, but the sense of gloom and pointlessness matters more. "Threnody(s)" had so many faults, but that's because Season 8 introduced new characters that, like graduating seniors, will never stick around. Of the eight episodes of this season so far, this was by far the most disappointing. A brand new character is introduced out of left field, tasked with not one, but *three* dig-up-the-dirt assignments... to be completed in under twenty-four hours. Kind of emblematic of Season 8 as a whole.

Without spoilers, the only thing to say is that certain significant characters are out of play when, possibly, they should never have appeared in Season 8 to begin with. Other characters, newer characters, who never should have appeared in a season with any pretensions to be meaningful, had no emotional impact, because we don't know them. Season 8 has been characterized by cardboard characters; this will almost certainly be regarded as "Homeland's" disappointing conclusion.

Even the most dramatic event in "Threnody(s)" is relegated to, "Well, we wrapped up *that.*" And this event, if it was necessary at all, deserved much more attention and care. It left me feeling like a high school senior who just got a principal's warning not to cut classes the week before graduation. Indifferent.
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