Futurama: Jurassic Bark (2002)
Season 5, Episode 2
You will cry for ever and ever
28 March 2020
Reading most of the reviews here shows exactly the same colective feeling: once you've seen this episode you can't ever watch it again and just the memory of it will instantly make you burst into tears. I agree with someone who said it is the sadest thing ever in the world. It's just like that. I've not seen any other piece of film (live action or animated) that will make my heart brake completely and then throw it on the floor and step on it again and again. Forget Bamby's mom, forget Lion King, forget Titanic or Artificial Intelligence's ending (Well that last one can be the only match actually). Anyway, if you're a dog lover, or a human lover, or a human with human feelings, watch at your own discretion. Be advised. Thanks Matt Groening for the first 10 ir 12 seasons of The Simpsons and for this great show.
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