Henry Danger (2014–2020)
Too Bad It's Over
22 March 2020
Today is the day the final episode of Henry Danger aired, after being on T.V. for 5.5-years. Nickelodeon's longest running live action show with 121 episodes. The final episode just aired, and while there's a sequel continuation of the series starting next week called Danger Force, it's sad to think after all this time, a show that's been on T.V. for so long, has come to an end. I ought to say, that of all the shows that air on Nickelodeon, lately this one seems to be the most recognizable. Like, we remember lots of shows that aired on Nickelodeon in the past. But, turning on T.V. to Nickelodeon, this show would seem like the most recognizable, and possibly most watchable of all Nickelodeon's current shows. A lot of shows on Nickelodeon or the Disney Channel are shows we wouldn't care about nowadays. A common thing people say. But, Henry Danger is at least watchable, and it's telling you something if it's Nickelodeon's longest running live action show.

As it concluded, it's just sad how recognizable characters we've seen on T.V. so long that have made a good team are done with the series. Characters we've gotten to follow through to the end. To start, the show is about an indestructible superhero named Captain Man. He got a kid Henry Hart to be his sidekick from the beginning as a 13-Year Old. He became Kid Danger. These characters transform into their superhero selves while blowing bubbles. We've seen Henry his friends: Charlotte, and Jasper, Henry's sister Piper, Henry's parents. We've also gotten to know Ray's other whacko employee Schwoz.

I'll tell you that while a Super Hero show, this isn't like how we'd probably think of a Super Hero show. I mean it would barely make a video game, because it's not that action packed. There's minimal fighting/physical contact in the show. Some episodes there are no bad guys and just a fun plot. Most of the villains on that show aren't very villainous with diabolical plots, just cheesy villains with some cheesy ideas you wonder how they come up with? It's mostly comedy, and this show can get you to laugh!! Some of the episodes are pretty cheesy I wonder why I even watch it as an adult? But, it has it's clever moments. I like the Henry Danger Musical Episode, favorite song, The Bro Song. My favorite episode would be "A Tale Of Two Pipers." Of all the episodes I've seen of that show, things seemed most dire in that episode and most intense action. I've enjoyed seeing the epic conclusion of the show! I thought the last episodes might end with more action and a darker tone like what we saw in the promo, but not. Still, a great way to end the show. It's sad it has to end here, but hey it lasted so long and was good while it lasted!!
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