The Wren and the Bear
20 March 2020
'The Willow-Wren and the Bear' was one of the few Grimm stories adapted by this series that wasn't known to me already. The episode did inspire me to read the story and then re-watch, after reading it Grimm's style is written all over it (although not one of their darkest or grimmest) and it has a lot of charm while the bear and the fox especially are compelling characters. Plus the battle has the right amount of tension.

It's adapted quite well, if not exceptionally, here in the twentieth episode from Season 2 with a lot of recognisable parts from the original story. There are better episodes from the series, but also there are episodes that fare worse too. Don't consider any of them bad though, was actually more conflicted on the worst ones. 'The Wren and the Bear' is somewhere in the middle group as far as 'Grimm Masterpiece Theater'/'Grimm Fairy Tale Classics' goes, a worthy effort if not a must watch.

Will start with the good things. All the four legged animals are handled very well here, the bear is particularly well done and the more compelling of the two titular characters, while the fox shares entertaining chemistry with him. The battle between the four-legged animals and the birds has the right amount of tension, and there are amusing moments in the dialogue. Most of the best lines going to the bear.

Further though that 'The Wren and the Bear' was one of the better-scored episodes of the second half of Season 2. Not perfect, but there are some dynamic parts and it doesn't feel as out of date. The story is lively in pace and has tension and entertainment value. There are nicely coloured and detailed backgrounds and the bear and narrator fare the best of the voice acting.

Perfect though 'The Wren and the Bear' is not. The attention to detail and finesse seen in the backgrounds is not there in the drawing and character designs. The bear's look takes some getting used to, looking more like an over-sized teddy bear with a moustache.

Also inconsistent is the voice acting. Was not crazy about the voice acting for the wrens, the young wrens sound too old and their attempts at feistiness is more bratty instead. Meanwhile the king's voice needed more maturity and authority.

Synchronisation is better than some of the other late Season 2 episodes, but some of the delivery is too fast.

Overall, interesting animated version of a not-so-familiar story. 7/10
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