Go home, Roger!
20 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Theee stars for effort, beautiful people, and fabulous home decor. Other than that, it's a dud! Sorry.

Spoilers ahead...not that you haven't already predicted them!

The lead actress' overacting was fit for Telemundo...and that's NO compliment, baby! Ironically, her best scene was of her character in the hospital bed showing William how she would cry and lie to her sister about being drugged and raped. Basically, her best acting scene was of her character's acting. Go figure! The director should've told her to stay within that same vein throughout. Chris just doesn't do it as a movie director for me. I'm sorry.

Brian, with his FINE self, worked with what he had. Poor writing aside, the movie might've worked a little better under his direction. He is a veteran actor after all.

I like Karrueche. I think she has potential, which she has gone on to exhibit in projects since this monstrosity. This was a no-go.

The kid was adorable.

Omar Gooding is literally the same guy in everything he participates: The obnoxious, goofy, desperate guy. That's the extent of his range.

Marques, bruh...this ain't it chief! First of all, if you're going to skimp on plot creativity, as least make up for it with some iron-clad character development. I'm not sure why I was supposed to care about any of these two-dimensional paper people. As I heard someone say to me before, "they came out of the same hole!" So, why was one sister well-adjusted and other crazy as bat-lips? How did the psychosister get to that point? What happened to her husband? Was he sick? Did she kill him? Did he fall off a forklift at work? And what was her relationship development really like with her sister that she trusted her enough to be all up in her man, but apparently wasn't on terms that allowed her to say "HEY! What's up with all the drinking while you're pregnant??"

Now for a couple of tidbits that most probably didn't care about, but that were blaring red flags that the writer (BYE ROGER!) took zero care in researching for this movie:

1. Again, this woman was pregnant with a baby she apparently really wanted but began drinking more AFTER she found out?? This baby, in her twisted mind, would be a bond between her and the man she could otherwise forget about having involvement with, and she poured alcohol on it every chance she got? 2. I guess the whole movie team said HIPPA-be-darned, huh? Here this chick is laid up in a hospital bed after having tried to off herself, her sister mosies up to the front desk, asks if she's there and what do you know? The attendant says yes AND immediately gives her the room number. Sis then runs off to the room without resistance from staff. Not nare identification verification. Nothing. First of all the attendant would've been fired the moment she said "yes, she's here."

***Bonus: Whatup with the repeated 10-second stills of the parked car throughout the film?? At first I thought, "oh okay, they're about to show them getting it in the car". Later, " oh she's about to be stalking them from the car." Finally, "oh, he's about to murder her in the car." Nah, it was just a random still of a car in the driveway for no reason. I guess someone had to squeeze every possible use out of their stock image subscription!
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