McBain (1991)
Bullet holes and plot holes
18 March 2020
I was under the impression that the Simpsons thing was based on this movie but only now I learned that the Simpsons McBain was actually invented before this one was made. That's a disappointment and reduces the mysterious aura around this movie. But in any case it was cool to finally see it and find out what it is.

I always like Christopher Walken and even though it's interesting to see him in an action star role it's not one of his best performances. I was also happy to see Steve Jackson from American Ninja although he has quite a little screentime.

The movie is quite ridiculous. If you expect something realistic, go elsewhere. But if you like Arnold's Commando or Chuck Norris' movies, then you're in the right mindset. The script only serves as a vehicle to go from one action scene to another. The directing and mood has a little bit comic book style vibe, going from scene to scene feels clunky like going from column to another...I don't know how to really explain it. It's probably just bad directing!

If you're someone who watches action movies for the sake of action, see this movie because there's a lot of action. If you're not like that, well, why are you even reading this? It's a fun movie to watch once but probably not very often again. But it has that cult favorite feel that makes it a suitable choice for any cheesy b-movie marathons. So, I give minor recommendations. Check it out if you haven't seen it yet!
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