Precious metal instead of precious gems
18 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Goldman v Silverman" is an American English-language movie from 2020 that was released back in mid-January, so it is pretty much exactly 2 months old now. The directors here are Benny Safdie and Josh Safdie. The latter wrote the screenplay, while the former acts in here. By far his first performance in front of the camera, so it is not too surprising he held his own nicely here against award-winning actor Adam Sandler. Still, Sandler felt a bit more lead than Safdie I'd say, but this also has to do with the character. Kinda fitting that gold is more precious than silver too. Both actors here play street artists and Silverman gets in the way of Goldman's performance show and Goldman makes it very clear what he thinks about that. He does not want to be mocked or parodied or looked down on, especially not by another artist. I would say the confrontation moments were also among the better/best the film has to offer, not really because they are particularly good, but because when the two are separated again, it is even more boring. I thought what the Safdies got out of Robert Pattinson was pretty impressive and I am also curious about their Adam Sandler movie, which has not yet been released here, because I saw that Sandler was close to scoring his first Oscar nomination and received a great deal of awards recognition for his portrayal and I like the actor in general and think he received a lot of unfair hate throughout his career with people frequently acting as if he is as completely void of talent as Tyler Perry for example, which is definitely not the case. But I am drifting away now. What I actually wanna say is I really hope that Sandler's new feature film is better than this short film here that the trio apparently came up with when they had a little time away from shooting "Uncut Gems". The photo here on imdb looks far more interesting than the film turned out to be. Also the spray paint scene (gold on silver) was not even remotely memorable and the epilogue with Sandler's character being annoyed once again after his show at somebody else (we don't see) felt even more uninteresting. Even at way under 10 minutes, this film to me felt much longer than it actually was and did not include enough entertainment value. It would have been fine if they had not made it. I am not sure if it is included on the Uncut Gems DVD, but if so, I can hardly imagine people are going to watch this more than once. Even if they enjoyed "Uncut Gems", which I guess must be the case if they decide to buy the DVD. And once is already one time too many perhaps. Not a good outcome here overall. I give it a thumbs-down.
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