Supergirl: Reality Bytes (2020)
Season 5, Episode 15
One of the most exciting episodes of Season 5!
16 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
After struggling with direction and floundering aimlessly for most of this half of season 5, Reality Bytes finally felt like the season we were promised. Season 5 has been a general train-wreck in terms of plot/storyline, but this episode stands out as an absolute gem amongst season 5s general disappointment.

Nicole Maines performance is standout, and not enough credit can be given to her for how utterly believable and heart-wrenching she made such a difficult topic. This story was important to tell and I for one have been left with a lesson learned about being a good trans ally.

This episode had so much quality content. Dansen screen time, insight (finally) into this VR/tech storyline, and Leviathans arc being pushed forward. Kara as ever is the paragon of hope, but interestingly the show allowed her, a close friend of Nias, to have her reality/privilege checked and ended up learning a lesson herself. I think this was powerful; Kara is human too and it really made Nias experience and hurt so much more relevant (for me at least).

Overall this was my second favourite episode of the season (the 100th being my first). I enjoyed Williams role as a friend/bro to Kara, and I think for the show to develop his character this is the correct way to portray him. The ridiculousness of Kara/William as an actual relationship is just not it; their date was so awkward and laughable that I cannot actually take it seriously and so was not even remotely bothered by it. For all the SC stans out there, it may be worth considering that this is being done on purpose. Just something to consider...

This episode showed that the writers CAN do a fantastic job (I think Nicole probably had some influence with this too). I'm left excited for the next!
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