Makes me wanna have a mullet and some beer
13 March 2020
"New Kids Turbo" is a 2010 Dutch comedy directed by Steffen Haars and Flip Van Der Kuil starring Huub Smit and Tim Haars. This is the film I chose to fill in for review #25 after realising I accidentally skipped the number in my counting. Many of you have given me some suggestions, but this Dutch classic was the only one I had in my shelf. Boy, what is this film actually? More than ten years ago this classic satire about five antisocial elements from the Netherlands has risen to become a huge success in Europe for it's sheer absurdity. Admittedly, the sketches and little skits from their original television series are some jokes I can always laugh about, but a whole feature length flick about it? I didn't know what to expect. Luckily, I didn't expect anything but garbage and wasn't quite disappointed with the outcome. That doesn't change the fact that it's straight out garbage. This film deals with the most stereotypes it has dealt with in the past and hence there's almost nothing new to it. The story is basically non existent and combines one absurd event with another. From political incorrectness to perverse action it has all of it.nWhat the original show has always benefited from are the extremely crazy but totally likeable characters who I really loved to follow throughout their shenanigans. Between some genuinely funny skits and jokes the film stretches the run time with nonsense and cuss words and really doesn't know how to entertain without those factors. But when it when it tries to be hilarious, it never missed and made me burst out in laughter countless times. I'm aware of it's extremely cheap nature, but that's exactly what I expected from it and definitely needed today. Don't ask me what the second half was supposed to be and what it really wanted to achieve with all the gory violence and shootouts, but I tolerated it somehow. That still doesn't change that the film in general isn't absolutely terrible in the first place. I guess I have developed some sort of a guilty pleasure in this case. All in all, this classic cult hit from the land of cheese and tulips works with the stereotypes that made it a classic in the first place and manges to deliver decent fun with it. Although it doesn't quite work out as feature length film and should stay on the level of a skit television show, it's a mindless guilty pleasure for in between that surprisingly is well filmed in the context for such a type of flick. It's without a doubt absolute garbage and definitely no masterpiece, but as it doesn't try to be anything else and simply wants to entertain especially the hardcore fans, it worked out for me. Between all the mullets and repeatedly used cuss words there's a lot of heart and I liked that. But for the last time: It doesn't change the fact that it's still absolute garbage, Junge!
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