Review of Offspring

Angel: Offspring (2001)
Season 3, Episode 7
Another haircut?
13 March 2020
I don't know what bothered me more. Another boring Darla is evil episode, (yes, we get it, she's evil) or Charisma getting yet another haircut. I mean every time she cuts her hair she makes what I couldn't imagine being worse, worse. Now she looks like a 12yr old boy,,,,with boobs. I can only imagine what Angel fans would think if David came on set one day with a buzz cut. Or an Afro. Or a mohawk. The look of a character is the first thing actors use to get into 'character'. You don't go and change it with no reasoning given, and expect people not to be confused. If it's part of the story arc, fine. But this wasn't Am I being superficial? Maybe, and I don't care. I can't help but focus on it, and it bothers me. Hardcore Angel fans may think it's fine because this show can do no wrong. But to this regular Joe fan, it's a travesty Also, this Holtz character is already getting on my nerves. Please writers. Kill him and Darla soon....painfully
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