Review of Cats

Cats (2019)
Changed my life
12 March 2020
I got to get real with you. Before this movie, I had high functioning depression. I tried all the methods of beating it. I took meds, I snorted curry, but nothing would stop it. Then the trailer dropped. It was like the clouds parted. Seeing James Corden as a cat was all I needed. In the days to come, I looped the trailer over and over. I couldn't get enough. When the movie came out, I bought the first ticket, trampled a girl to get in, and sat in the first row. And all my sadness dissipated. It was beautiful. In that moment I had an out of body experience. Seeing Judy Dench lick her leg and watching Taylor Swift being slightly less annoying than usual all combined with James Corden was too much. I got home that night and threw out all my meds and curry. I didn't need them anymore. Since then I have devoted myself to watching the movie five times a day while sitting on my head. I am the proud owner of so many cats, I lost count. My neighbors think me strange and Dad said something about disowning me, but it matters not. I have all I need. I no longer shower so I can make time for this glorious masterpiece. The sight of Jason Derulo crawling around alone is enough to wash my body clean enough for years. My hair practically cleans itself now. I can only hope you experience this meowsterpiece in the same way I did. Cats gets a 10/10. It's the least I can give it.
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