Star Trek: Voyager: Warhead (1999)
Season 5, Episode 24
Corrupt values
10 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This episode blessedly deals a deathblow to the idiotic declaring of AI-endowed machines to be lifeforms.

Ridiculous discussions defending a smart-bomb's right to exist. A bad joke.

Even when the mechanically simulated "being" is discovered to be nothing other than a bomb, the crew continues to implore it to abandon its programmed function to live a "meaningful life" in a holodeck.

So absurd, it is pitiful.

The same level of intelligence in a well-produced video game can be placed in a robot that looks human --- this does not make him any more human and sentient than the computer game --- except to ignorant people who are fooled by their emotions.

Sentience is NOT a well-written artificial computer intelligence program, since such a program contains NO identity or feeling being. It is no more real and feeling than an actor playing a pre-written role, who leaves the studio to resume his actual self, unmoved in any permanent way by his performance.

The AI programmed robot may ACT OUT a more varied set of reactions and computed thoughts than the actor, but it is nonetheless ONLY computing its reactions electronically within a limited programmed methodology written by human beings, and utterly mechanically regimented.

These episodes, though entertaining, are frighteningly naive and misleading. And they breed erroneous ideas and misplaced values.
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