Review of Nepenthe

Star Trek: Picard: Nepenthe (2020)
Season 1, Episode 7
The perfect episode for people who hate story
8 March 2020
This was an extremely painful episode to sit through as it relied solely on the merits of the past work of the TNG actors. The entire episode was service to the bottom feeders of Star Trek, the people who are more interested in the inter-personal drama and not what Trek is about. Speaking of which, Picard is so far removed from Trek it's almost laughable. No, I don't expect retread, but this show is simply trying to ape what's current (Game of Thrones) and is doing a lousy job of it. The actors broadcast their emotions so that even those in the audience who are blind can follow. And after 7 eps it's still difficult to tell what the point of the show is. As far as I can tell, it's just one much-adieu-about-nothing chit-chat after another. The whole Riker family thing could have been condensed into ten minutes since the only point was getting the name of the planet that the android woman claims to be home. Still, if you consider seeing Riker burn pizza interesting Trek, then I guess your time has come.
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