Hunter Killer (2018)
Surprisingly good, more than a submarine movie
8 March 2020
I passed on this movie for quite a while. Another submarine movie would be just the same old cliches of things that can happen to a submarine. Finally decided to give it a try on a really boring day and I was happily surprised. Yes, many of the same cliches you've seen on every, single, movie about submarines. But that was just one storyline in the movie. The story on a whole was a fantasy but it tied together into a good story. The biggest fantasy was that the producers obviously expected Hilary to be president when the movie was released. Their blond female President was was a better looking almost clone of her. She's only on the screen for about a minute but word of mouth of the scene of her being in charge and making command decisions may have killed the interest of anyone who remembered Benghazi.
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